Friday, January 11, 2008


To anyone who has been anxiously awaiting some semblance of a post since my TOC win, my apologies...the three weeks getting ready for this trip had been total chaos (its an insane story to say the least, but one that I simply haven't had time to put into words). Since arriving in Melbourne about a week ago, its been virtually non-stop activities courtesy of Full Tilt's overwhelming hospitality. Booze, poker celebrities, kangaroos--the whole nine.

Fortunately, Pauly and the folks at pokernews have been gracious enough to keep you all up-to-date on my performance thus far in the Main Event. Hopefully, there will be more fun to report in the future.

I've always been pretty bad at the whole blogging thing, thankfully--the main event doesn't have a written exam portion. For now, just know that I am thankful to be enjoying this incredible experience, and I hope to one day have the time to sit and share it all with you.

Cheers (oh yeah, they don't say "g'day" much).


Julius_Goat said...

(Finally) Posting on my birthday? Priceless.

Come on, doc. Take 'er down.

Pauly said...

Nice work, surviving two tough tables on Day 1a.

Docsdad said...

Glad to hear you're having such a good time. I'm just glad that Chris went along to keep an eye on you.

Hammer Player a.k.a Hoyazo said...

Best of luck brotha, I think it's tonight you play again, no?

PokahDave said...

Good luck....they are all doomed!!!!!!

CSuave said...

GL. Seems like you are doing well from the notes I have seen in different new clippings.

CSuave said...

GL. Seems like you are doing well from the notes I have seen in different new clippings.

Julius_Goat said...

What a beat, man. Keep ya head up, though. You went on an awesome ride and made us proud with solid play.

Good looking out, Dr. J. See you on the virtual felt.

jamyhawk said...

Congrats on making it to day 2. I look forward to your stories about the fun week.

BamBam said...

Just wanted to say great job down under. It was a pleasure to follow your play and a painful way to see you go out. I hope you had a great time.

Unknown said...

actually its 3 traffic lights in town 2 outside